Rostros Solo Exhibition
Umpqua Valley Arts - Gallery II
1624 W Harvard Ave.
Roseburg, Oregon 97471
Opening Reception: Friday, January 17th | 4-7 PM
The Rostros exhibition
The Rostros are a series of abstract textile portraits that depict individual faces. In addition to anatomical features like mouths, noses, ears, and hair, the Rostros are patterned with what could be perceived as wrinkles, scars, or tattoos — records of their lived experiences, origins, tribal affiliations. Their corresponding environmental backgrounds help explain how the Rostros live in the world. They look directly at the viewer with open eyes, telling stories of where they came from, and where they are going.
The Rostros artworks are made entirely from salvaged fabrics and found objects that have origin stories of their own: woven traditionally-loomed fabric from Oaxaca, scraps from Oregon mills, and second-hand salvage from friends. The infinite combinations possible from the myriad textile elements reflect the many ways our history, environment, and random events combine to create who we are.
Viewers may be surprised to find in the chaotic assemblages of the Rostros, faces that look familiar, friends or family they recognize, or possibly a reflection of themselves.