Orquidia Violeta

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About Orquidia

Orquidia shows her Protective Vests
Photo by Micah Fischer, courtesy of WildCraft Studio School

Orquidia Violeta is a prolific independent Salvadoran-American textile artist working in Portland, Oregon. She grew up in a simple farmhouse in Central America, and crossed the US border as a six-year-old refugee.

Orquidia combines salvaged textiles with elements of embroidery, knitting, weaving, appliqué, soft-sculpture, fiber-collage, painting and dyeing to tell complex colorful stories drawn from her own experiences and from her research.

Last year Orquidia was a resident artist for 3 months at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology where she created textile works outside on the land and investigated native practices.

This summer Orquidia joined Hispanic artists from around the Americas at the inaugural Stelo Summer Invitational Residency at Camp Colton to continue work on the Chalecos Protector series while immersed in a bucolic natural setting.

Orquidia is a member of Ideal PDX, a collaborative group of Latino visual and performing artists in the Northwest, and After / Time, an artist-run gallery and experimental curatorial platform based in Portland, Oregon.

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